I'm trying to implement the phyphox midi controller as in the 2017 youtube video. I've been successful at implementing the python code, which uses the acceleration channel (accy).
Where can I find the names of the other channels, such as the magnetic field sensor?
I just accessed the magnetometer guessing magX, and it works. Where can I find the other definitions?
Look examples...
From example "Acceleration with g (Raw Sensors)":
<sensor type="accelerometer">
<output component="x">accX</output>
<output component="y">accY</output>
<output component="z">accZ</output>
<output component="t">acc_time</output>
<output component="abs">acc</output>
Here the data-containers names accX, accY etc. could be any you like. The sensor types are listed in
From "Light (Raw Sensors)":
<container size="0">illum</container>
<container size="0">illum_time</container>
<sensor type="light">
<output component="x">illum</output>
<output component="t">illum_time</output>
I did not find pressure-temperature...
The "accX", "magX" etc. refer to a buffer name set in the experiment configuration that you are currently running on phyphox. Unfortunately, every configuration can set individual names for each buffer (or "data-containers") and some buffers only hold interim results. If you are looking for a specific configuration (i.e. an entry from the main menu of phyphox), you can check the configurations on github:
Open the corresponding configuration and either search for "data-container" to find all the names of the buffers or search for "<graph>" to find which buffers are assigned to the x and y axis of a specific plot or for "<export>" to find the buffers that are set to be exported if the user selects this function from the menu (probably better as those are the buffers with the presented results).
If you want to write code that works with any experiment, you can also get the list of buffers and inputs from the "/config" endpoint of the REST API:
This feature was not yet available in 2017, but it should make it easier to find the possible names for any active configuration. This also exposes the export configuration which gives you "good" buffer names (those suitable to be exported) with appropriate labels.