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Full Version: Online QR Generator not working
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Hi everybody,

It seems to me that online QR code generator is not working in the experiment editor.

Example workflow:
1.- Access
2.- Load experiment > Acceleration Spectrum
3.- Download Transfer > Generate Online QR Code

The QR code box appears, but the image is missing. I have tried with different built-in experiments and one I have customized. I have with tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Uploading the experiment with the offline QR code is a bit of a challenge...

Could you confirm this issue? Is there any workaround?

Thanks!! Smile
I can reproduce the problem on Safari. Investigating…
Apparently, a problem in the backend. We are trying to find out what is triggering it.

Workarounds depend a bit on your use case. Uploading the .phyphox to a cloud or host service and generating a QR code for the link should do…
The problem has been fixed. It should be back to normal now…