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Full Version: Getting time since experiment started
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I am trying to make a sound that goes up in frequency continuously at a given speed. I have tried using the timer function, however I noticed that "until the current analysis run began" apparently meant "until the start experiment button was last pressed" and not "until the last time the analysis's script was ran". Is there a way to get the time since the analysis last began?

Thanks in advance,
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I still need to check how to properly answer your question…
(01-10-2023, 05:20 PM)Jens Noritzsch Wrote: [ -> ]Have you seen

I still need to check how to properly answer your question…

No, I haven't... And I did think about linking an "add" function to itself to solve my problem, but it seemed so unlikely to work I did not even test it (as seen in the acoustic resonance test provided in the page you linked). That'll do, thank you

Ah, actually no. Weirdly enough, in the resonance white experiment, the "runs" keeps increasing every second. Whereas when I tried doing the same (add function linked to itself with one of the inputs being the value 1, then linked to a value view), it only increases each when I press the "run analysis" button at the top