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Full Version: audio autocorrelation python
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I'm making this post because I'm having issues with a python script I'm trying to create using phyphox. I would like to use the audio autocorellation experiment on my phone and for my python script to find what note is beind detected. I think the name of the value next to musical note is called "semitonesRound". However my knowledge in python is limited and I do not know how to print the value found next to the musical note. Would anyone be so kind as to help me ?

My code so far:

PP_ADDRESS = "http://###.###"
PP_CHANNELS = ["semitonesRound"]

import requests

while True:
    url = PP_ADDRESS + "/get?" + ("&".join(PP_CHANNELS))
    data = requests.get(url=url).json()
The text itself is not shared by the REST interface. Technically, you have identified the right buffer, however, it is used to map to a predefined text, see

All these “[[musical_note_*]]” are taken from a translation list and “0” in “semitonesRound” corresponds to A440.