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Full Version: Gyro range for TI Sensor Tag- increase?
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Thank you for providing your outstanding application and services! I use them regularly and find them easy to use and powerful to extend. But I'm stuck on trying to understand how to adjust the range for the SenorTag's gyroscope.

The motion sensor in the TI Sensor Tag has adjustable ranges for the gyroscope.
The existing Phyphox SensorTag experiment uses a very low range.
Is is possible to reset the range for the gyro sensor to higher dps range in the Phyphox experiment editor?

The Phyphox experiment configures that sensor in this section of code:

Despite several attempts and reading many online discussions of issues about the sensor, I've not been able to understand how to make this change.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Quote:The motion sensor in the TI Sensor Tag has adjustable ranges for the gyroscope.

Youre right, the MPU9250 is able to measure up to 2000 degree per second. Unfortunately the Sensortag firmware does not allow to select another range for the gyroscope. Its only possible to enable/disable each axis and select different accelerometer ranges.

(05-24-2023, 08:44 AM)Dominik Dorsel Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,

Quote:The motion sensor in the TI Sensor Tag has adjustable ranges for the gyroscope.

Youre right, the MPU9250 is able to measure up to 2000 degree per second. Unfortunately the Sensortag firmware does not allow to select another range for the gyroscope. Its only possible to enable/disable each axis and select different accelerometer ranges.

Thank you.