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Full Version: error message when using qr code
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When using the QR code method of loading an experiment, I'm getting the message:

Unhandled RuntimeException while loading this experiment.  For input string: ""

Any insight?
Could you share the QR-Code – or the file that it points to (it's just an encoded link)?
The three QR codes look identical, don’t they…? Hm, they work flawlessly on iOS.
Android does not handle empty color strings … well. They occur if you set a color and unset it afterwards. This should be easy to fix in the editor – and we have to think about phyphox on Android handling it better.
The editor is accordingly updated now…
I had the same mensage. I solve it leasing no field that indicates color in blank. But I Stiller have problem to load a routine that I made download of the code.
The new editor should not produce any empty color attributes now (and even delete these on import). Please report if you observe otherwise…
thanks for quickly addressing this