I would like to use the magnetic field sensor for a measurement of the "angular frequency"/frequency or the trajectory velocity of a circular disk.
Would be a nice experiment on the phphox list.
Similar to the magnetic spectrum (under "tools") but with an input that considers the radius of the disk? Or are you looking for something using the autorcorrelation like the spring oscillator experiment?
(09-18-2019, 02:44 PM)Sebastian Staacks Wrote: [ -> ]Similar to the magnetic spectrum (under "tools") but with an input that considers the radius of the disk? Or are you looking for something using the autorcorrelation like the spring oscillator experiment?
Hi Sebastian,
thanks för your answere.
i just want to determine the circular frequency of my rotating disc. Therefor the magnetic spectrum works fine.
The input of the diskradius would be a nice feature. so it would be possible to determine the speed of a bike for example.