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Full Version: Finer selection in own experiments
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i like the function to create owne experiments, but I would like a finer selection.
For example: I need acceleration data in y dyrection and gyroskop data in x direction.
And I need the highest possible sampling rate.
When I select acceleration and gyroskop data, I obtain acceleration and gyroskop data in x, y and z and possibly the amount.
6 or 8 data are tracked at the same time, which turns down the sampling rate.
So I would like a more detailed selection possibility when I create my own Experiment.

Greetings from germany

You are probably talking about the "new simple experiment" function in the app itself? If so, you will love our web editor, with which you can edit all the details and only store/plot/export specific axes:

However, this will not affect the sampling rate. Neither Android nor iOS have a method to request only a specific axis and the sampling rate is limited by the system anyways (the actuall sensor could run faster if we were able to communicate directly). So, if you use the editor log only specific axes, you would only see an improvement in memory usage and maybe the rate at which the graphs are updated, which both only become relevant for long measurements if your phone cannot plot all the points quickly (it wills till record them) or runs out of memory.
thank you very much for your ansver.
You're right, I was talking about the function in the app itself. And You are right again, now I tried it and I love the web Editor.

Thank you for your detailed explanation.
Its a pity that the sampling rate is limited and that it's not possible for you to communicate directly with the sensor.

Greetings,  Florian