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Full Version: Help needed to access sensor data in roborealm
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Hi there
I really like your effort to make iphone sensor data easily accessible. I am trying to access phone sent sensor data in roborealm software. it has one module called Socket client. Will you please guide me how can I access my iphone sensor data in roborealm for robotic purposes.

Hm... I don't know roborealm, but at the moment phyphox only support http in two ways:

  1. You can enable remote access in phyphox. This starts a webserver on your phone and other software can send http requests to phyphox to receive sensor data in JSON format. (see
  2. You can use our new network interface to do http requests from phyphox to a webserver to submit sensor data either as a GET parameter (URL encoding) or as POST data (again JSON). (see
We plan to extend the new network interface with other protocols, which will be better suitable for real-time applications. However at the moment everything is http and JSON. Since I do not know roborealm, I am not sure how to use this. Maybe, you should ask on a roborealm forum/group/community with the information above.