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Hi, is it possible to do acceleration vibration measuring in mm/s scale ?
[ You could set up an own experiment by changing the original one in or any other text editor: rescale the data, and accordingly adapt the axes. ]

On second though: mm/s is a velocity. I would have expected that the natural unit of vibrations is m/s² because the acceleration is what is measured?

Computing a velocity in “osczillating” motions is known to be rather unstable with common numerical integration methods: the velocity is quite likely to run away.

I agreed with Jens, but it seems that using specific numerical calculations namely "Omega Arithmetic’s" or "cumsum" may give pretty good result at rebuild velocity and displacement from acceleration.
My own mathematical level is too short to do it by myself , but I guess it's rather doable for guys involved in mathematics.
I think it would be a nice addition to have in the app.
This link could be a good place to start from: