/* Link between Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and phyphox app vAD1 Allows to choose which experiment the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense should execute, using Phyphox. by Gautier Creutzer and Frédéric Bouquet, La Physique Autrement / Physics Reimagined, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides / Laboratory of Solid state Physics, Université Paris-Saclay / Paris-Saclay University Check our other projects in English and French: www.physicsreimagined.com This work is based on the phyphox Arduino library developed by the phyphox team at the RWTH Aachen University, which is released under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence v3.0 (or newer). This work is released under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence v3.0 (or newer). */ /* File modificato per il progetto MOBILE da Colonna Andrea nella acquisizione delle temperature e della pressione del sensore interno include anche la possibilità di utilizzare il sensore di temperatura digitale DHT11 con ingresso 3.3V ed segnale di uscita su PIN 2 */ #include // libreria per la comunicazione tramite bluetooth con phyphox #include // libreria per accelerometro, giroscospio e magnetometro #include // libreria per il sensore di pressione #include // libreria per il sensore di temperatura e umidità #include // libreria per il sensore di prossimità, luce e colore #include // libreria sensore esterno temperatura DHT #define DHTPIN 2 // porta su cui viene preso il segnale digitale nel nostro caso 2 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // specifica del modello nel nostro caso DHT11 DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // si definisce la funzione di acquisizione dht const float pi=3.14; char board_name[] = "Andrea"; // to change the name displayed by the board using BLE: no space and no special character float choice = 0.0; // variabile per la scelta del segnale del sensore da inviare trtamite bluetooth float old_temp = 0.0; // variabili di comodo per la temperatura e umidità float old_hum = 0.0; float temperature, humidity; float old_pres = 0.0; // variabili di comodo per la pressione float pressure; float accx, accy, accz, acc; // variabili di comodo per acc, gir e magnetometro float gyrx, gyry, gyrz, gyr2, gyr; float magx, magy, magz, magn; int red, green, blue, ambient; float red_float, green_float, blue_float, ambient_float; // variabili di comodo per colori e luce const int analogInPin1 = A0; // change here to read another analog input const int analogInPin2 = A1; const int analogInPin3 = A2; float voltage1, voltage2, voltage3; // variabili di comodo per il segnale analogico unsigned long initial_time, first_time, fourth_time; float first_difference_float, fourth_difference_float; // variabili di comodo per il tempo unsigned int period = 100; // periodo in millisecondi const int ledPin = 22; // variabili per controllare i LED della scheda const int ledPin2 = 23; const int ledPin3 = 24; void receivedData(); // see Phyphox Arduino Library example void setup() { PhyphoxBLE::minConInterval = 6; //6 = 7.5ms // impostazioni per il bluetooth PhyphoxBLE::maxConInterval = 24; //6 = 7.5ms PhyphoxBLE::slaveLatency = 0; // PhyphoxBLE::timeout = 50; //10 = 100ms pinMode(22, OUTPUT); pinMode(23, OUTPUT); pinMode(24, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH); if (!IMU.begin()) { // starting all useful sensors while (1); } if (!BARO.begin()) { while (1); } if (!HTS.begin()) { while (1); } if (!APDS.begin()) { while (1); } PhyphoxBLE::start(board_name); // the name of the board can be changed at the beginning of the program PhyphoxBLE::configHandler = &receivedData; // see Phyphox Arduino library example } void loop() // depending on the config parameter sent by Phyphox, an experiment is chosen { if (PhyphoxBLE::currentConnections > 0) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH); } if (choice == 1.0) { accelerometerChoice(); } else if (choice == 2.0) { gyroscopeChoice(); } else if (choice == 3.0) { magnetometerChoice(); } else if (choice == 4.0) { pressureChoice(); } else if (choice == 5.0) { temperatureChoice(); } else if (choice == 6.0) { lightChoice(); }else if (choice == 7.0) { temperatureChoiceDHT(); }else if (choice == 8.0) { accelerazioneCentripeta(); } else if (choice == 9.0) { analogChoice(); } else { } } void receivedData() { // see Phyphox Arduino Library example if (PhyphoxBLE::currentConnections == 1) { PhyphoxBLE::read(choice); // the "choice" variable is written by our Phyphox experiments initial_time = millis(); if (choice == 4.0){ IMU.end(); // se leggi la pressione disabilità gli accelerometri } else {IMU.begin();} // finito l'esperimento della pressione attiva gli accelerometri } } void accelerometerChoice() { // if the sensor is available, the acceleration and a timestamp are written to the BLE server, and then to the Phyphox app if (IMU.accelerationAvailable()) { first_time = millis(); IMU.readAcceleration(accx, accy, accz); first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; acc = sqrt(pow(accx, 2) + pow(accy, 2) + pow(accz, 2)); PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, accx, accy, accz, acc); //CH1=t CH2=accx CH3=accy CH4=accz CH5=acc delay(60); } } void gyroscopeChoice() { if (IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) { first_time = millis(); IMU.readGyroscope(gyrx, gyry, gyrz); first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; gyr = gyrx + gyry + gyrz; gyr = sqrt(pow(gyrx, 2) + pow (gyry, 2) + pow(gyrz, 2)); PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, gyrx, gyry, gyrz, gyr); delay(60); } } void magnetometerChoice() { if (IMU.magneticFieldAvailable()) { first_time = millis(); IMU.readMagneticField(magx, magy, magz); first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; magn = sqrt(pow(magx, 2) + pow (magy, 2) + pow(magz, 2)); PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, magx, magy, magz, magn); delay(60); } } void pressureChoice() { first_time = millis(); pressure = 1000*BARO.readPressure(); first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, pressure); // CH1 e CH2 delay(60); } void temperatureChoice() { first_time = millis(); temperature = HTS.readTemperature(); humidity = HTS.readHumidity(); if (abs(old_temp-temperature)>=0.5 || abs(old_hum-humidity)>=1) { old_temp = temperature; old_hum = humidity; first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, temperature, humidity); } first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, temperature, humidity); delay(100); } void temperatureChoiceDHT() { first_time = millis(); temperature = dht.readTemperature(); humidity = dht.readHumidity(); if (abs(old_temp-temperature)>=0.5 || abs(old_hum-humidity)>=1) { old_temp = temperature; old_hum = humidity; first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, temperature, humidity); } first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, temperature, humidity); delay(100); } void lightChoice() { if (APDS.colorAvailable()) { first_time = millis(); APDS.readColor(red, green, blue, ambient); red_float = (float)red; green_float = (float)green; blue_float = (float)blue; ambient_float = (float)ambient; first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, ambient_float, red_float, green_float, blue_float); delay(60); } } void accelerazioneCentripeta(){ if (IMU.accelerationAvailable() && IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) first_time = millis(); IMU.readAcceleration(accx, accy, accz); acc=abs(sqrt(pow(accx,2)+pow(accy,2)+pow(accz,2))-1); fourth_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; IMU.readGyroscope(gyrx, gyry, gyrz); gyrx = pi*gyrx/180; gyry = pi*gyry/180; gyrz = pi*gyrz/180; gyr2=pow(gyrx,2)+pow(gyry,2)+pow(gyrz,2); gyr = sqrt(gyr2); first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float,fourth_difference_float, acc, gyr); delay(300); } void analogChoice() { // reads the analog input selected at the beginning first_time = millis(); voltage1 = analogRead(analogInPin1)*3.3/1023.; voltage2 = analogRead(analogInPin2)*3.3/1023.; voltage3 = analogRead(analogInPin3)*3.3/1023.; first_difference_float = ((float)first_time - (float)initial_time) / 1000; PhyphoxBLE::write(first_difference_float, voltage1, voltage2, voltage3); delay(60); }