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Attribute "subscribeOnStart" not loaded - Printable Version

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Attribute "subscribeOnStart" not loaded - SemtexA - 11-20-2024


when loading an experiment file to the Blockly editior some attributes seem to get lost. Im my case the "subscribeOnStart".

How to reproduce:

- Load attached file in the editor (note in line 15 it says subscribeOnStart="false")
- Click on generate (should produce identical output)
- The 2 files are different

RE: Attribute "subscribeOnStart" not loaded - Jens Noriʇzsɔɥ - 11-21-2024

According to `subscribeOnStart="false"` is the default. The new editor leaves these out (and if it does not, it is either a bug in the editor or in the documentation Wink).

RE: Attribute "subscribeOnStart" not loaded - SemtexA - 11-21-2024

Thanks Heart