Dear Sebastian and colleagues,
in the curriculum of bavaria we should characterize solar cells. So i was thinking of using the Micro:Bit as external sensor.
The Micro:Bit should measure the Rotation and the Voltage on Pin 0 and i would get ideally the sine wave.
I used your wonderful project of measuring voltage on Pin0 and this is working with Micro:Bit and PhyPhox. By using the Flashlight of the Smartphone, you just need some cable, a battery pack and the microbit (see attachement).
But the Micro:Bit has no Characteristic for the Rotation. So i thought of using Overview Characteristics.
With the attached programme i was able to receive the Rotation with BLExplorer (see screenshot), but i failed with PhyPhox.
PhyPhox connects, but nothing is displayed.
Thanks for your help.
Best wishes Johannes
in the curriculum of bavaria we should characterize solar cells. So i was thinking of using the Micro:Bit as external sensor.
The Micro:Bit should measure the Rotation and the Voltage on Pin 0 and i would get ideally the sine wave.
I used your wonderful project of measuring voltage on Pin0 and this is working with Micro:Bit and PhyPhox. By using the Flashlight of the Smartphone, you just need some cable, a battery pack and the microbit (see attachement).
But the Micro:Bit has no Characteristic for the Rotation. So i thought of using Overview Characteristics.
With the attached programme i was able to receive the Rotation with BLExplorer (see screenshot), but i failed with PhyPhox.
PhyPhox connects, but nothing is displayed.
<phyphox version="1.6">
<title>micro:bit UART</title>
<description>Read UART form micro:bit</description>
<container size="0">rot</container>
<container size="0">rotcal</container>
<container size="0">t</container>
<bluetooth name="BBC micro:bit">
<output char="6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E" conversion="string">rot</output>
<output char="6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E" extra="time">t</output>
<view label="Raw Data">
<graph minY="0" scaleMinY="fixed" maxY="90" scaleMaxY="fixed" labelX="time" unitX="s" labelY="Rotation" unitY="V">
<input axis="x">t</input>
<input axis="y">rotcal</input>
<value size="3" unit="DEG" label="Rotation">
<input clear="false">rot</input>
<input type="value">1.00</input>
Best wishes Johannes