10-04-2021, 05:43 PM
Thank you for the references, Jens
I tried the toilet paper NPL experiment and I found it not very precise.. I got the wavelength 10 cm and the sound speed 400 m/s for the frequency of 4 kHz.
Then I took one smartphone with phyphox sound generator at 4 kHz. I put its headphones 50 cm apart and took another smartphone with audio amplitude of phyphox and moved it slowly at a distance of 1 m over about 1 m. I tried to keep a constant speed of the motion. The result is here, could be better... Probably some things around including me interfere also.
Thank you for the references, Jens

I tried the toilet paper NPL experiment and I found it not very precise.. I got the wavelength 10 cm and the sound speed 400 m/s for the frequency of 4 kHz.
Then I took one smartphone with phyphox sound generator at 4 kHz. I put its headphones 50 cm apart and took another smartphone with audio amplitude of phyphox and moved it slowly at a distance of 1 m over about 1 m. I tried to keep a constant speed of the motion. The result is here, could be better... Probably some things around including me interfere also.
