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When creating your own experiments, you can use arbitrary colors by a 6-digit hex code representing the byte values or red, green and blue (see [1] for details), without a leading hash "#".

Alternatively, you can use the names of defined colors. Phyphox often uses orange (#ff7e22) as its default trademark color, but it also defines a palette of additional colors that work well on the typical dark background of phyphox. These are:

   orange ff7e22
   red fe005d
   magenta eb46f4
   blue 39a2ff
   green 2bfb4c
   yellow edf668
   white ffffff
   weakorange ffc399
   weakred ff7cac
   weakmagenta f6aafa
   weakblue 9dd1ff
   weakgreen a1fdaf
   weakyellow e7e09b
   weakwhite c4c4c4

The advantage of using these color (besides using intuitive names) is that phyphox can adapt them even for future functions. For example, a bright mode or an export function for printing is introduced, which requires colors to work on a bright (or even white) background. Yellow from the list above could automatically be replaced by a darker variation working well on the bright background.