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Full Version: Upsampling of LiDAR data
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I did some work with Apple's LiDAR sensor this past year that is now published in the journal Sensors ( My colleagues and I discovered that the true sample rate from the LiDAR sensors is 15 Hz, but it is upsampled to 60 Hz to match the frame rate of the RGB video in Apple's sensor fusion pipeline. We were working with the full-field depth map using StrayScanner, but this issue also affects PhyPhox data. The upsampling ultimately produces aliases if you are using the LiDAR time series to identify natural frequencies, as I have been. While a user can downsample the data after collecting data, it might be more valuable to your users to downsample the LiDAR time series within Phyphox.
Oh, great, thanks for (immediately) sharing. Are you aware of a similar study of the Face ID sensor? The API provides 30 Hz here…
(09-13-2023, 10:32 PM)Jens Noritzsch Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, great, thanks for (immediately) sharing. Are you aware of a similar study of the Face ID sensor? The API provides 30 Hz here…

I haven't investigated the Face ID sensor yet, but I suspect it has a similar issue. I intend to perform similar work to identify its limitations.