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Joined: Mar 2025
Institution: BG Neunkirchen
Is it planned to establish support of the phyphoxBle library for the Arduino MKR family, specially the Arduino MKR 1010 WiFi?
If not, is there any way or tutorial to make this device work with phyphox?
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Institution: RWTH Aachen University
I have done some research on this board for an email support request last summer:
AFAICS, your board runs with ArduinoBle, so it is supported in the same way as the IoT or the UNO R4. You need to add your board to
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_NANO_33_IOT) || defined(ARDUINO_UNOR4_WIFI)
#include <ArduinoBLE.h>
#include "phyphoxBLE_NanoIOT.h"
in “src/phyphoxBle.h” rather than anywhere else there. The board identifier should be SAMD_MKRWIFI1010, AFAICT.
A similar change needs to be made in “src/phyphoxBLE_NanoIOT.cpp”. Finally, you might need to add the correct ID to the “architectures=” line in “”. (As it appears to be samd, it’s already in…)
You’ll find at what needed to be done for the UNO R4 Wifi.
I have never heard back, so I cannot tell if it worked – and that's why we have not applied such a change yet as we do not own this board.
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Joined: Mar 2025
Institution: BG Neunkirchen
Thank you so much for your quick response!
As told, I changed the line in src/phyphoxBle.h as well as in src/phyphoxeBLE_NanoIOT.cpp - specifically just changed "NANO_33_IOT" into "MKRWIFI1010", as I do not own or programm a Nano 33 IoT, this should not cause trouble for me in future.
So the Sketch now does not respond an error, it can be compiled and uploaded.
Also in the Serial Monitor, everything looks ok.
**But when trying to add the experiment in Phyphox, it responds "Bluetooth Experiment Error - the services could no be found."**
Problem solved - I added PhyphoxBLE::poll() as first line in loop()
If not, it looks like the ArduinoMKR does not keep the bluetooth connection open, as it always disappeared in "Bluetooth devices" when searching in phyphox for it.
I did not include the whole code for the experiment now, but I made a big step forward
Again, thank you very much!