12-16-2020, 11:50 PM
(09-23-2020, 07:20 PM)Dominik Dorsel Wrote: Hey Gautier,
this wasnt possible so far, but I added it to the NRF52 Version of phyphoxBLE right now. Feel free to get this update from my repository:
You can get the current number of connections with
Code:uint16_t number = PhyphoxBLE::currentConnections;
I also have some good news to the connection interval topic. I was able to implement this feature to the ESP32 & Arduino IoT version aswell. This means you might see this feature in the official repository very soon.
Hello Gautier
I visited the project site at Physics Reimagined looking for the Arduino code for your project (as referenced in the instructions posted on the site), however the link seems to be broken. Do you have a working project that is available for use by physics teachers?
If not, do you know of other Phyphox projects to read the Arduino nano Sense BLE?
Thank you for any help,
Jon Huber, Burnsville High School (Burnsville, MN, USA)