06-18-2021, 03:47 PM
The “Metadata Time” reflects the user actions play and pause. The raw data shows the time that the smartphone OS provides us with a sensor's data and it is highly unlikely that it is just on tap. 
For some sensors it takes a bit until phyphox gets their first values and smartphone clocks are not that well synchronised. So, the moment of tapping play could be meaningful information that should be kept.
The current time column is what most users need and additional columns –easily obtained by other means– would add to confusion. So we would like to keep it the way it is, of course unless there is a good reason we have overlooked. Please keep in mind that there is some added complexity with leap seconds in human readable formats…

For some sensors it takes a bit until phyphox gets their first values and smartphone clocks are not that well synchronised. So, the moment of tapping play could be meaningful information that should be kept.
The current time column is what most users need and additional columns –easily obtained by other means– would add to confusion. So we would like to keep it the way it is, of course unless there is a good reason we have overlooked. Please keep in mind that there is some added complexity with leap seconds in human readable formats…