09-23-2020, 07:20 PM
Hey Gautier,
this wasnt possible so far, but I added it to the NRF52 Version of phyphoxBLE right now. Feel free to get this update from my repository:
You can get the current number of connections with
I also have some good news to the connection interval topic. I was able to implement this feature to the ESP32 & Arduino IoT version aswell. This means you might see this feature in the official repository very soon.
this wasnt possible so far, but I added it to the NRF52 Version of phyphoxBLE right now. Feel free to get this update from my repository:
You can get the current number of connections with
uint16_t number = PhyphoxBLE::currentConnections;
I also have some good news to the connection interval topic. I was able to implement this feature to the ESP32 & Arduino IoT version aswell. This means you might see this feature in the official repository very soon.