09-04-2020, 03:41 PM
I am currently working on a device meant for teachers who would like to use Phyphox to teach experimental physics. Currently, the main difficulties in using Phyphox for physics teachers are the availability of all sensors in their students’ smartphones and the need not to endanger them (for instance with a free fal experiment). For this purpose, TI’s SensorTag was quite efficient but it was impossible to add new sensors and it was discontinued. Thanks to the new Arduino library, I am trying to create a robust, open-source, low-cost and out-of-the-box SensorTag-like device. The main goal is to make it very easy to use for teachers who cannot program. To do so, I am using the Arduino nano sense 33 BLE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/NANO33BLESense) and the new phyphox Bluetooth low energy library. I am new to BLE, so I may need some help…
My first step is to create an Arduino program which allows the Phyphox app to choose which sensors of the microcontroller should be used, so that students can switch between several experiments without having to upload a new program to the Arduino card. You can find it attached, but I am not fully satisfied as I would have preferred to use the <config> part of the phyphox file, instead of the <output> part, but I could not make it work on the Arduino side. Do you think it is possible?
In addition, it seems that I cannot receive data at a frequency higher than 50Hz, which is a problem for some experiments, such as a free fall measurement. Is it a physical limitation due to the BLE, or do you think this frequency could be improved?
Thank you!
I am currently working on a device meant for teachers who would like to use Phyphox to teach experimental physics. Currently, the main difficulties in using Phyphox for physics teachers are the availability of all sensors in their students’ smartphones and the need not to endanger them (for instance with a free fal experiment). For this purpose, TI’s SensorTag was quite efficient but it was impossible to add new sensors and it was discontinued. Thanks to the new Arduino library, I am trying to create a robust, open-source, low-cost and out-of-the-box SensorTag-like device. The main goal is to make it very easy to use for teachers who cannot program. To do so, I am using the Arduino nano sense 33 BLE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/NANO33BLESense) and the new phyphox Bluetooth low energy library. I am new to BLE, so I may need some help…
My first step is to create an Arduino program which allows the Phyphox app to choose which sensors of the microcontroller should be used, so that students can switch between several experiments without having to upload a new program to the Arduino card. You can find it attached, but I am not fully satisfied as I would have preferred to use the <config> part of the phyphox file, instead of the <output> part, but I could not make it work on the Arduino side. Do you think it is possible?
In addition, it seems that I cannot receive data at a frequency higher than 50Hz, which is a problem for some experiments, such as a free fall measurement. Is it a physical limitation due to the BLE, or do you think this frequency could be improved?
Thank you!