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editor on line
Hi, I am an Italian physics teacher. 
I am learning phyphox to produce lab experiences for high school students. 
I modified by changing only the input (accZ with accY by notepad ++) of one of your experiments (Accelerometer statistics). 
The program works but does not see the multigraph. Did I do something wrong? Or is it a bug in the online editor?
Thank you

<phyphox version="1.6" locale="en">
    <title>Accelerometer Statistics</title>
        Check the statistical distribution of the sensor data.

        This experiment simply displays raw y data from the sensor in a histogram, which should form into a Gaussian distribution when the device is resting. Depending on the noise of the sensor you may want to change the binning size.
    <icon format="base64">
        <translation locale="de">
            <title>Statistik des Beschleunigungssensors</title>
            <category>Experimentalphysik I</category>
                Prüfe die statistische Verteilung der Sensordaten.

                Dieses Experiment zeigt einfach die Rohdaten der z-Komponente des Beschleunigungssensors in einem Histogramm an. Wenn das Smartphone ruht, sollte sich hier eine Gauß-Verteilung ergeben. Je nach Rauschen des Sensors solltest du die Bin-Größe anpassen.
            <string original="Statistics">Statistik</string>
            <string original="z Acceleration">z Beschleunigung</string>
            <string original="z Acceleration (m/s²)">z Beschl. (m/s²)</string>
            <string original="Histogram">Histogramm</string>
            <string original="Bin center (m/s²)">Bin-Mitte (m/s²)</string>
            <string original="Count">Anzahl</string>
            <string original="Bin size">Bin-Größe</string>
            <string original="Average acceleration">Mittlere Beschleunigung</string>
            <string original="Standard deviation">Standardabweichung</string>
        <container size="0">accY</container>
        <container size="0">t</container>
        <container size="0">binStart</container>
        <container size="0">binCount</container>
        <container size="1">average</container>
        <container size="1">deviation</container>
        <container size="1">count</container>
        <container size="1">binSize</container>
        <container size="0">temp1</container>
        <container size="0">temp2</container>
        <container size="1">minX</container>
        <container size="1">maxX</container>
        <container size="500">gaussianX</container>
        <container size="500">gaussian</container>
        <sensor type="accelerometer" rate="0">
            <output component="z">accY</output>
            <output component="t">t</output>
        <view label="Statistics">
            <graph label="y Acceleration" labelX="t (s)" labelY="y Acceleration (m/s²)" partialUpdate="true" style="lines">
                <input axis="x">t</input>
                <input axis="y">accY</input>
            <graph label="Histogram" labelX="Acceleration (m/s²)" labelY="Count" partialUpdate="false">
                <input axis="x">gaussianX</input>
                <input axis="y" style="lines" lineWidth="2">gaussian</input>
                <input axis="x">binStart</input>
                <input axis="y" style="vbars" color="E0E040" lineWidth="0.9">binCount</input>
            <edit label="Bin size" unit="m/s²" default="0.005" signed="false">
            <value label="Average acceleration" precision="4" scientific="false" unit="m/s²" factor="1">
            <value label="Standard deviation" precision="4" scientific="false" unit="m/s²" factor="1">
            <value label="Count" precision="0" scientific="false" unit="" factor="1">
            <input clear="false">accY</input>
            <input clear="false" as="dx">binSize</input>
            <output clear="true">binStart</output>
            <output clear="true">binCount</output>
            <input clear="false">accY</input>
            <output as="average">average</output>
            <output as="stddev">deviation</output>
            <input clear="false">accY</input>

            <input as="from" type="value">0</input>
            <input as="length" type="value">1</input>
            <input clear="false">binStart</input>
            <input clear="false">binStart</input>
            <input clear="false">binSize</input>
            <input as="start" clear="false">minX</input>
            <input as="stop" clear="false">maxX</input>

            <input clear="false">gaussianX</input>
            <input clear="false">average</input>

            <input clear="false">temp1</input>

            <input type="value">-2</input>
            <input clear="false">deviation</input>
            <input clear="false">deviation</input>

            <input as="base" type="value">2.7182818284</input> <!-- e -->
            <input as="exponent">temp1</input>

            <input type="value">2.506628275</input> <!-- sqrt(2pi) -->
            <input clear="false">deviation</input>

            <input clear="false">binSize</input>
            <input clear="false">count</input>

        <set name="Data">
            <data name="t (s)">t</data>
            <data name="z Acceleration (m/s^2)">accY</data>
        <set name="Bins">
            <data name="Bin start (m/s²)">binStart</data>
            <data name="Bin count">binCount</data>

Attached Files
.phyphox   Accelerometer-statistics.phyphox (Size: 15.23 KB / Downloads: 334)
The .phyphox file works as … expected on my iPhone, however, you have apparently missed one change: I suppose you want to read out the y component of the accelerometer, so it needs to be

-            <output component="z">accZ</output>
+            <output component="y">accY</output>

I have fixed it in the attached file…

Attached Files
.phyphox   Accelerometer-statistics.phyphox (Size: 15.23 KB / Downloads: 354)
(12-14-2021, 06:20 PM)andrea.colonna Wrote: Or is it a bug in the online editor? does not support the full range of, this should not be a problem here, though.

Edit: in fact, it is a problem, see below…
Wow thanks for replying so quickly.
But on my android the problem still exists.
From the program,
<graph label="Histogram" labelX="Acceleration (m/s²)" labelY="Count" partialUpdate="false">
<input axis="x">gaussianX</input>
<input axis="y" style="lines" lineWidth="2">gaussian</input>
<input axis="x">binStart</input>
<input axis="y" style="vbars" color="E0E040" lineWidth="0.9">binCount</input>
the second graph should be a yellow diagram with a line graph, but this is not how 2 graphs appear on the display.
Thank you

in fact from a check on the xml generated by the online editor...
<graph editor:uuid="169" editor:posx="3900" editor:posy="500" label="Histogram" aspectRatio="2.5" style="lines" lineWidth="1" color="ff7e22"
partialUpdate="false" history="1" labelX="Acceleration (m/s²)" labelY="Count" labelZ="" unitX="" unitY="" unitZ="" logX="false" logY="false"
logZ="false" xPrecision="3" yPrecision="3" zPrecision="3" scaleMinX="auto" scaleMaxX="auto" scaleMinY="auto" scaleMaxY="auto"
scaleMinZ="auto" scaleMaxZ="auto" minX="0" maxX="0" minY="0" maxY="0" minZ="0" maxZ="0" mapWidth="0" >
<input axis="x">gaussianX</input>
<input axis="y">gaussian</input>
<input axis="x">binStart</input>
<input axis="y">binCount</input>
it is different from the written source code.
I don't understand how it was possible to generate the sensor statistics qr code.

I just tested Jens Version with iOS and Andoird, both are looking good (with the qr code generated by the forum).  

Quote:it is different from the written source code.

I don't understand how it was possible to generate the sensor statistics qr code.

Ah so you took jens phyphox file and opened it with the web editot to get an qr code right?

The problem is the editor does not support all available features. Every feature which is unknown to the editor will be removed. If you would like to get an qr code to a phyphox file without loosing your features you can use some online service like github, dropbox or something like this.

For instance this is a link to the elevator experimente:

This direct link to the phyphox file can be copy pasted into some qr code generator like
Did I miss a way to get an qr code Jens?

The QR code is just a link to a .phyphox file, so you could use any generator. An alternative is, for instance.
Thanks for everything.
Sorry for my ignorance.
All is ok.

The edited file works as it should. Calculate g module and the error.
Thanks again.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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