09-05-2019, 04:43 PM
Nice improvement in analysis editor. I'm having a problem with the graph view-element, anyone can help me?
I'm trying to set two data in the same graph with two different colors. Using the online editor there is no option to set the colors to lines independently. So, I downloaded the phyphox to my computer and manually edited the file as showed in the wiki page:
But when I try to open the file in phyphox I get the error: "Invalid UUID: 572"
which corresponds to the bluetooth device UUID.
Any thoughts?
Nice improvement in analysis editor. I'm having a problem with the graph view-element, anyone can help me?
I'm trying to set two data in the same graph with two different colors. Using the online editor there is no option to set the colors to lines independently. So, I downloaded the phyphox to my computer and manually edited the file as showed in the wiki page:
<graph label="Acceleration" labelX="t" unitX="s" labelY="a" unitY="m/s²" partialUpdate="true"> <input axis="x" color="green">acc_time</input> <input axis="y">accX</input> <input axis="x" color="blue">acc_time</input> <input axis="y">accY</input> <input axis="x" color="yellow">acc_time</input> <input axis="y">accZ</input> <input axis="x" color="white">acc_time</input> <input axis="y">acc</input> </graph>
But when I try to open the file in phyphox I get the error: "Invalid UUID: 572"
which corresponds to the bluetooth device UUID.
Any thoughts?