Bugs and Problems
- Iphone 11 and Proximity stopwatch (2 Replies)
- I can't export data (4 Replies)
- Possible bug with multiple fetch? (2 Replies)
- iPhone could not load experiment (10 Replies)
- gausssmooth and 2 color graph (20 Replies)
- Speed difference when using Experiment or arduino BLE libary (2 Replies)
- No audio scope in browser (4 Replies)
- Speed of Audio-Scope on old phones (9 Replies)
- Display bug on iOS (2 Replies)
- Questions on analysis cycles (1 Reply)
- a question on rangefilter module (1 Reply)
- Temporary fixes for remote control of audio scope and pendulum (0 Replies)
- Bluetooth ouput node not clearing buffer at input (1 Reply)
- GPS sensor rate - only 1 per 20 sec (5 Replies)
- phyphoxBle not working with the latest Nano BLE drivers (4 Replies)
- Error: Therre is no valid phyphox experiment in this zip file (1 Reply)
- Saving Bluetooth Data (4 Replies)
- z-accelerometer offset? (5 Replies)
- How to send phyphox file from sensor ? (11 Replies)
- data > of 14 secondi (1 Reply)