Feature requests
- Live data saving to permanent memory (4 Replies)
- phyphox arduino channel limit (3 Replies)
- Real time data download (24 Replies)
- fingerprint sensor (7 Replies)
- Sonar single set of chirps (1 Reply)
- Lightmeter change camera (4 Replies)
- Speed and position with accelerometer (2 Replies)
- gyro with gps data (2 Replies)
- Timestamping the data (15 Replies)
- Send variables with REST api to Arduino (1 Reply)
- Remote control for phyphox (8 Replies)
- Radial Plots (2 Replies)
- Loading the experiment in the phyphox editor ? (1 Reply)
- Run in the background (8 Replies)
- possibility for uploading experiments (16 Replies)
- Median, min/max in graphs (0 Replies)
- New experiment (3 Replies)
- vibration mm/s (3 Replies)
- Interested in Video Analysis (11 Replies)
- Metronom (2 Replies)