Our app could not exist in this form without the help of volunteers worldwide, providing local support, translating, contributing ideas and experiments, or helping to build our sensor database.
Do you want to join the community? Contact us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, weird Bird or by contact@phyphox.org.
Can you contribute financially? Donations allow us to create new features and learning and teaching opportunities as well as putting our project on a more solid base. The association created for this purpose, “phyphox project e.V.”, registered at Amtsgericht in “Vereinsregister 6107”, exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke” of the German Tax Code.
The account details at Aachener Bank eG are
phyphox project e.V.
IBAN DE49 3906 0180 0427 7130 08
betterplace.org, Germany’s largest donation platform, is charitable and non-profit.