Magnetic Spectrum

Calculates and displays the FFT of magnetometer data. The strongest frequency is given as well.

Magnetic field

The experiment “Magnetic field” just gives the raw data from the phone’s magnetometer. On most phones you can switch between calibrated and uncalibrated data in the menu.

Magnetic ruler

Set up a bunch of magnets as marker, so you can use this experiment to measure the speed and distance while moving along these magnets.


Ball, Kugel o.ä. 1,5 V Batterie Bindfaden, Packschnur o.ä. zwei Gefrierbeutel, davon ein Verschließbarer Haargummi o.ä. (für Federpendel) alter Kugelschreiber langes Lineal magnetisierter Nagel, Stift o.ä. (für phyphox-Einführung) Pizzakarton o.ä. … Continue reading “Experimentiermaterial”